Thursday, February 14, 2008

Virtual ஜோசியர்

I recently read this interesting post on how online dating and match making services are gaining popularity around the world. While South eastern countries are trying to embrace western culture on dating and secret love marriages, it's amazing to find how the sites like is gaining popularity in the western world for serious long-term relationships. I remember how some of my American friends got surprised when I explained to them on how my marriage was "arranged". They even made fun of the guy who matched my ஜாதகம் with my wife's as a "Dating specialist". The online concept in some fashion introduces the virtual ஜோதிடர் model which people are more than willing to accept. You could still go wrong in any of the methods, but I think the majority of us would agree that for a serious long term relationships you need some kind of mediator to make the process fast and less risky.



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