Picture Courtesy: AFP
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While browsing through other blogs/websites I came across several interesting notes which I have compiled in to one logical piece. These are some of the interesting(?!) observations on Kamal's names in the movie.
Most of the names, for instance, were based on the actual Dasavatars..Govind Ramaswamy (has a monkey called Hanu - he should be Rama avatharam), 'Balram' Naidu, 'Krishna'veni, Rangarajan (matsya or may even be Koorma since he drowned in sea), 'Avtar' Singh, Boo'varaghan', Kalif Ullah was the opposite of Vamana Avatharam (Tall vs Short) and the coolest name of the lot..Shinghen Narahasi, the Japenese guy. The word Fletcher means ‘arrows’ or the ‘maker of arrows’. Though Parasurama wielded an axe, Fletcher is modern Parasurama because he is angry and kills everyone in sight.
I also found several posts on Chaos Theory and Butterfly effect thats incorporated in the movie. These are not new to cinema, they are very well known and popular entities that was used in several movies and stories in the past. Last year, I tried my own version based on these theories in one of my short story விதிமுறைகள். The story was a huge inspiration from movies like 'Crash' and 'Babel'.
One thing is for sure, either Kamal & Co did all the research to come up with all subtle details in this movie or it could just be that fans are going overboard to find logic and relevance on just about everything from the movie.
Final note on Dasa: New year's day is not coming anytime soon, but I have taken a personal mid-year vow to not read/write on Dasa for the next several weeks at least. Personally it's been an "overdosavatharam".
What would be the best betting ticket at the moment for Tamil movie fans? தசாவதாரம் - வருது வருது...
What are the odds on Dasavatharam releasing on 6/13/2008? Your guess is as good as mine. In the superstition driven Kollywood world, I am surprised that they picked Friday, the 13th as the release date. Who cares, at this point, all that the Kamal fans want will be the actual movie release, period.
Meanwhile, the movie is getting huge publicity in US just ahead of the release date. Chicago fans did their own celebration ahead of the release by arranging for a தோசாவதாரம், more here.
A special preview show is scheduled in the Los Angeles area to screen this movie on June/12/2008, ahead of the actual release date, similar to the one we had for Sivaji - the Boss. I am not as excited for this movie as I did for Sivaji (paid extra bucks to watch the special preview show) so I am planning to watch the movie either on June 13th or 14th. The lack in enthusiasm can be attributed to several reasons: the annoying delay in release (from music to actual movie), not so impressive music to name a few. I am just hoping this doesn't turn out to be Kamal's "BABA". I am hoping for K.S.Ravikumar's magic more than Kamal's brilliance.
Hopefully it will be a good entertainer!
We have incidents on women being attacked, even though they have not provoked anyone even a bit. In such a country, why would you make these half naked girls dance in public, when our countrymen until recently are used to seeing these type of dances only in rated movies. I was wondering how comfortable it will be for parents to take their pre-teen kids to these matches.
I have no idea as to why we need to copy western culture on everything. I don't want to sound like an oldie baldie, but we have seen on numerous occasions, our cricket fans show up for any "tamasha" match in large numbers in almost every single venue even without cheerleaders, supported their teams inspite of scorching heat, poor stadium facilities including food courts and toilets.
I recently came across this quote in Chinmayi's blog:
"Though a lot of us have grown up listening to old songs, it sometimes requires some kind of an 'aha' moment for a song to come to us, in a rush and its surprising how we suddenly perceive a certain magic in it that we had previously failed to notice. "
I think that is almost perfect explanation on how we comprehend the true feel of a song at some random moment. I have had similar moments on several songs, not just the old ones but on several recent ones that I have heard multiple times. There are also instances when you hear a tamil version of popular other language song and get "wow"d about it. "முழுமதி அவளது" by Srinivas is one such song. This is the tamil version of "Jashn-E-Bahara" sung by Javed Ali in the movie Jodhaa Akbar. Outstanding melody by Srinivas.
I have also felt that when a male singer render a female version of a popular song (and vice-versa), the transformation is most often phenomenal. I don't know if the singer gets some distinct advantage in such situations or it's truly different perception of the listener or if it is combination of both.
Couple of months back I was watching Vijay Tv's "பாடும் Office" and one of the girls sang 'இசையில் தொடங்குதம்மா' from Hey Ram (Orginally sung by A Chakraburthy). I am not sure what her musical background is, but she sang so well and outclassed everyone else in that show with that performance.
This week I was watching American Idol and one of the contestant, David Cook rendered his own version of Mariah Carey's "you will always be my baby". It sounded absolutely brilliant.
My all-time favorite in this category (male singing female number) is the one from movie "கேளடி கண்மணி" and this one is not even a regular soundtrack in the album. There is this scene where SPB sings "கற்பூர பொம்மை" for his daughter and he will only sing a few lines in that scene.... truly magical!!!
சமீபத்தில் அதிக எதிர்ப்பார்ப்புகளுடன் பார்த்த சில படங்களில் ஒரு படம் "அஞ்சாதே" . எதிர்பார்த்ததை விட அதிகம் impress செய்த படம் இது.
தமிழ் சினிமாக்களில் போலீஸ்காரர்கள் படம் என்றாலே, ஹீரோ வருவார், நாலு பேர் சல்யூட் அடிப்பார்கள், சட்டை கசங்காமல் எதிரிகளை பந்தாடுவார். அப்படித்தான் தன்னுடைய Inspector வாழ்க்கை இருக்கும் என்று நினைத்துக்கொண்டு நரேன் போலீஸ் ஸ்டேஷன் நுழைய, யாருமே
கண்டுக்கொள்ளாமல் இருப்பது ஒரு புதுமை, அதை விட புதுமை ஹீரோ சந்திக்கும் முதல் கேஸ் - ஒரு கட்டை பையில் ஒரு தலையை கொண்டு வரும் மனிதனும் அதை அடுத்து வரும் காட்சிகளும்.
பாண்டியராஜன் மற்றும் பிரசன்னாவின் காரெக்டர்கள் பெரிய surprise. இப்படி ஒரு வில்லன் காரெக்டருக்கு ஒத்துக்கொண்டு நடித்த பிரசன்னாவின் தைரியத்திற்கு பெரிய பாராட்டு (அந்த wig-ஐ தவிர்த்திருக்கலாம்).
படத்தில் ஆங்காங்கே வரும் கேமரா angle-கள் வித்தியாசம். குறிப்பாக, வெறும் கால்களை மட்டுமே காட்டி, கடைசியில் வில்லனின் சின்ன புத்தியை காட்டும் இடம் பிரமாதம்.
பெரிய நட்சத்திர பட்டாளம், முன்னணி/கவர்ச்சி நாயகி, அதிக செலவில் foreign பிரம்மாண்டம், ஹீரோயிசம், தாதயிசம் இப்படி எதுவும் இல்லாமல், வெறும் வேகமான திரைக்கதை, யதார்த்தமான காட்சி அமைப்பு வைத்து ஒரு நல்ல, விறுவிறுப்பான க்ரைம் ஆக்க்ஷன் படத்தை எடுத்திருக்கும் டைரக்டர் மிஷ்கின்னுக்கு ஒரு பெரிய சபாஷ்.
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