NBC did it again for west coast viewers. The LIVE coverage of Olympics shown for viewers in California and other west coast states is actually the recorded tape showing the already concluded event. They do this every year during Wimbledon where they would show the match during what they call "Prime Time" coverage. West coast is the worst hit when it comes to any LIVE coverage of any show. From weekly reality shows to annual sport events, most of the shows are actually telecasted late. You have to avoid all possible human contacts and internet to maintain secrecy if you want to enjoy the show on TV. I am reading that NBC paid close to 900 million for the exclusive TV coverage and if they continue this policy for west coast viewers, they are going to end up with unhappy viewers, sponsors and bad ratings. It makes absolutely no sense to watch the tape knowing that LIVE is not actually LIVE.
Here's a fantastic column by Jason Whitlock on this topic.
He writes
"Arrogance is America's No. 1 disease, its most plentiful natural resource. No American industry is more arrogant than the media, particularly the television wing of the media."
More here: http://msn.foxsports.com/other/story/8472934?MSNHPHMA
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