Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Good Bye to Bill Gates

This article on Bill Gates is a good one. The following statement says it all:

Or perhaps it's more accurate to say that Microsoft became part of computing's warp and weave, and generally unremarked upon. That would be an enormous success for any company whose ambitions had been less lofty -- but Microsoft had never been just any company.

For all intents and purposes, Mr. Gates and Paul Allen fulfilled their original mission -- not just daily work but daily life has become unthinkable without a personal computer. For that to seem unremarkable now is a testament to how thoroughly they succeeded in making what was once unimaginable routine. And it was Mr. Gates who saw that revolution would be build on software, not hardware -- a realization so critical that calling it a billion-dollar insight considerably understates the case.

Google, Apple, Linux will probably be the bigger players than Microsoft in future, but the legacy left behind by Mr.Gates will be remembered forever.


madras maverick said...

25 years from now, Bill Gates will be better remembered for his philanthropy rather than for his Microsoft success. More on Melinda Gates here:



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