Thursday, January 22, 2009

டயம் இருக்கா?

டயம் இருக்கா?, டயமே இல்ல - How many times do we use these in a day/week/year?

"என்ன சார், உங்ககிட்டேர்ந்து ரொம்ப நாளா போனே இல்ல?" - ரொம்ப பிஸி, டயமே இல்ல.
நேத்திக்கு match பாத்தேள்ளா? செம்ம win இல்ல? - இருக்கற வேலைல match பாக்க டயம் எங்க இருக்கு?

I guess blaming it on time is the escape route for all of us for not doing a thing. In reality, we all have the same amount of time and we perform X number of tasks during that time. The number X may vary depending on the complexity of the tasks or due to our laziness to execute more tasks. Of course we have more than X number of tasks to perform, but we shuffle and prioritize them and make sure we stay close to the number X most often. What we do this week with great interest may not even feature in what we might do a week or month after.

Sometimes when we had a little extra leisure time we tend to think that everyone is going through the same. When I called my Mom last Saturday, she was like "என்ன ரொம்ப நாளா போனையே காணும், ரொம்ப பிசியா?". I called her only last Sunday! She probably had a relaxing 2-3 days of Pongal celebration and in the process forgot that I don't get time off for Pongal. For my part, I could have called and wished a customary "Happy Pongal", but as usual I gave டயமே இல்ல excuse.

But when we are extremely busy we tend to think that others are always free and we think we are the most busiest person on earth. Often in this situation we pass some pretty negative comments. When I called my friend last week, I wanted to talk about Hindi-Tamil GHAJINI and how great SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE was, but he probably was so busy last couple of weeks, he shot back "How do you even find time to watch crappy movies?". First of all, he has no clue on whether the movies were crappy, secondly, he thinks he is too busy doing meaningful things while others have time to do all-so-not important things in life. For my part I replied "Relax and call me back when you find time" and hang up. I got the call back immediately with an apology.

The point is we have a few things that are important in life for us and we tend to forget that others have their own set of important things to do in their life.

Now, thanks for reading this and for your time!



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